Archive for the ‘NES’ Category

Please Select Student! Yetee Shirt

July 19, 2012


This shirt beckons, like a finger curling and uncurling as if to say “Hey, come here”. The cool cool cool-ness is making my whole brain cry and I don’t no what to do. Someone had better call all the ambulances because this shirt is LIFE CHANG-ING.

Get it on the Yetee before it goes away at 9:00 PT on the 21st!

Sweet Deans…

Super Mario – 3D Chalk Art (Time Lapse)

June 29, 2012

Just freakish… and amazing…

Thanks CadenTheGreat for the heads up!

Fungus: A Super Mario Interactive Fan Fiction

May 14, 2012

I’ve done it.

I’ve written a Super Mario fan fiction… a playable one!

Yep, I’ve written it is as an interactive fiction on Playfic. I’m pretty proud of it. I created most of it a month or so ago, but had got distracted by…Oooooh shiny…

In any case, it’s now finished and out to the universe. Go play Fungus and tell me what you think!

Lego Cuusoo Legend of Zelda Project Reaches 10,000 Supporters!

May 4, 2012

WoooooHooooooo!!! I really, REALLY, hope this becomes a reality. View the project here.

Lego Cuusoo Legend of Zelda Project Reaches 9000 Supporters!

May 3, 2012

Come on Lego and Nintendo! Make my dreams come true! Let’s push them to 10,000! If you haven’t already, SUPPORT IT NOW!!!!!

Nintendo Confirms E3 2012 Presentation for June 5th at 9:00AM PST

May 1, 2012

– Tuesday, June 5, 2012
– Presentation: 9:00AM (West Coast)

Via GoNintendo.

Shigeru Miyamoto on Angry Birds

April 12, 2012


This cracked me up today. The following comments come from Shigeru Miyamoto.

“There aren’t many games that I’ve played recently that have been truly convincing to me. But that said, I have very much enjoyed Angry Birds, especially the way in which it combines traditional and new game elements in exciting ways. Angry Birds is a very simple idea but it’s one of those games that I immediately appreciated when I first started playing, before wishing that I had been the one to come up with the idea first. I mean, obviously I want to be the one creating the most convincing, surprising game ideas.

In particular the control scheme is excellent. When you analyze it, the controls are actually quite fuzzy in terms of the way that it works. It takes a little while to get used to the controls, I think, but once you’ve mastered them, you have a lot of precision. To make it the interface and controls work that well and intuitively… well, I think a lot of work went into getting that right.

Obviously, if the developer had created the game for Nintendo DS the controls would have been even better, but what can you do?”

Via GoNintendo.

Lego Legend of Zelda Reaches 5000 Supporters on Lego Cuusoo!

April 10, 2012

Lego Cuusoo blows my mind. It’s a totally incredible concept. Fans put their models on the website and if their idea gets 10,000 supporters, Lego reviews the concept and makes it a set (if the idea is doable). It’s basically Kickstarter without having to put any money down. So far, Lego Minecraft Micro World and two Japan models have stemmed from Cuusoo with Lego Shaun of the Dead in review.

Looking through the site you will find tons and tons of amazing models and concepts. Some of the most supported projects include Lego Back to the Future and Lego Modular Western Town. But of all the projects (with a substantial number of supporters) Lego Legend of Zelda I found by far the coolest. Today, the Lego Legend of Zelda project has acquired 5000 supporters (half of what they need for Lego to pitch this product to Nintendo). With 5000 supporters, Lego designers will now start building concepts for possible Zelda sets.

As you can guess, I find this all extremely exciting and I wish this project the best of luck as it travels to the 10,000 supporter goal! And, if you are reading this and haven’t yet, go create a Cuusoo account and support some projects!

Mario Tennis Open Special Games Trailer

April 6, 2012

I really want actual tennis to be like this! As fun as this is going to be on the 3DS, it would be really nice if it was on a larger screen.

“The Fireflower” – Mighty Lego Super Mario Bros. 3 Airship

March 12, 2012

I’m at a loss for words. This has been sitting in my blog que for quite a few days with me just trying to figure out what to say that would do this Lego Super Mario Bros. 3 Airship justice. I honestly cannot comprehend the ridiculous amount of awesomeness.

This more-than-masterpiece was created by Baron Von Brunk who has been working on it since November 2011. It contains over 8,000 bricks and is currently being displayed on a six foot long table with a fleet of mini-ship escorts and a pair of mischievous plumbers on board. You really have to look here for all the pics of this amazing creation. If you don’t feel like looking through an incredible number of pictures of a Lego set, here are some of my favorite shots.